Photos et lettres des Philippines, de France et d'ailleurs

Photos et lettres  des Philippines, de France  et d'ailleurs

12- September 2003 till October 2004

Once back in France, the effect 'Iraq war' has still adverse effects on the rate of my bonds, so will I try to keep them and wait for better days before resale. So I made appointments with several banks to try to find funding to pay the balance of my beach lot. Not easy and it's finally my own Bank branch that will come to my rescue with a 10 years loan at 4.10% per year, nevertheless taking a mortgage on our French house. Let us not dream with bankers!

(A stroll behind our house)

Finally in August 2003, it's done and in September I can go again in the Philippines. In the meantime I have spent many hours on the Internet to find ideas for our future home. Essentially I went on American sites offering for free a wide variety of houses plans in Spanish and Mediterranean styles.
When I arrived in Dumaguete the final deed of sale can finally be signed and our attorney may then process all the administrative papers for the transfer of ownership and we will get our title in December. This time we really own a beach lot and I began to think about the construction of the house.

 (Private property)

(From the beach lot, sea view)

I first asked a young architect for a sketch plan but the proposed figures for the realization dissuade me to push through with him, but I like what he did.
Through relations then I meet another architect, Felix, who on the basis of the first sketch submits a project consisting of a main house and a small cottage, the concept and architecture seduce me. He also wants to take over the construction when the time comes.

So I am returned to France for Christmas and showed the plans to my wife who is very appreciative.

(Our French house)

March 2004 and again I am in the Philippines. Then out of politeness I pay a visit to my future neighbor, Michael, a German of Munich speaking perfect French. He shares with me his experiences as his third house in the Philippines is now under construction. According to him he says that the best contractor in Dumaguete is Jay C. Tee.
This leaves me skeptical because with French, Raymond, we have already almost decided to hire Felix. But after all I decide to visit Jay just out of curiosity sake and to strengthen my choice.
I inform Raymond who is not at all interested, for him it's done and he will sign with Felix.
In the office of Jay pending his arrival, I met a Swiss, Christian, who is accompanied by his mother. First of all he tells me that I am here in the best place. He is having a resort being built by Jay and is very happy with the job.  A place now well known to tourists and divers from around the world under the name Pura Vida.

For information Jay later also built in my neighborhood 2 other resort the first a small one owned by Guido a Swiss, Well beach resort and the second becoming well-known and owned by Patrick, a French from Brittany, Thalatta.
I fill in Jay of my project and ask him a quotation. Meanwhile he takes me along to visit several of his projects and I have to admit that there is no competition between the two candidates. The quality of construction and perfect finish are obvious, his building sites are not shambles like his competitor’s so on second thoughts I change my mind and decide to trust him.

In addition there is also a fundamental difference between the two; one is an architect hiring his workers when needed for a project while Jay as a contractor has his own permanent skilled teams and supervisors.
Now I have to inform Felix. I propose him to stay my architect but he is asking 10% fee of the total price of the house to supervise another contractor. I am confident that Jay does not need to be controlled by a third party so I don’t have any other choice but to part from Felix. So I ask him how much I owe him for all his sketches and expect the worst, and here I must admit his honesty because his bill is only about twenty Euros.
Later Jay gives me an initial estimate and at the sight of it, I have to revise my project and abandon the idea of two separate buildings.
In the meantime, as I am still staying in a hotel at 23 km from my property, I am thinking now of a vehicle to go there regularly especially when the construction has begun. I am attracted by a 4 wheel drive SUV and in March 2004 I purchased a Mitsubishi Pajero, a10-year vehicle imported from Japan and converted from left-hand drive to right-hand drive. This will not be a happy choice and later it deserves an article by itself.


(My Pajero)

A month later I returned to France with a new house plans and a quotation with revised figures downwards.
I will return in September with my wife to finalize the contract with Jay and hopefully start our tropical home.

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