Letter 7 : It does exist too!
It's sad to say but they are there and some of them are French.
In 2001 I met during our weekly lunch between French-speakers, a retiree from the Navy.
His constant criticism of the country and its population, welcoming him for the last 18 years, his acerbic remarks on his friend's wives, the tone in which he addressed the lovely restaurant's waitresses and his misogynist comments made me dislike him immediately.
He lived alone with his 18 years old 'godson' and one day that I had been particularly angered, I asked her if he had waited his majority to bugger him.
Another time while we were all eating he talked about the foul smell of the female genitals; I asked him if the scent of men's anuses felt better.
Finally you understand that a great friendship was born among us.
When our Tuesday meetings ceased I sometimes met him in town just exchanging a few words.
We all thought he was gay and since he also went on frequent trips to Pattaya in Thailand while staying secret about the places he frequented we became more suspicious about his tendencies, the city of Pattaya being perhaps the greatest 'brothel' in the world. Nevertheless we weren't yet suspecting the truth.
I am not at all homophobic and I only disliked this individual for his behavior and not for his morals.
Later I found a beach lot less than a kilometer from his home but we did not meet more often. However my wife talked to the neighbors who had time to know him well in 18 years and told her about his taste for very young boys and girls. My wife was outraged and asked them why they did not act and file a case against him but they replied "Ma'am, he has money and we don't have".
While I was in France in September 2007, I received an e-mail from a friend owner of a nearby resort asking me if I knew a certain Mister X living not far from him and who was wanted by the Philippine police. I asked my friend Charly to inquire about it when visiting my house as he usually does during my absences in France.
Charly told me later over the phone that the guy was suspected of having raped 2 sisters of 14 and 11 years old.
When I was back early October 2007 I learned more.
But everything that follows is to be conditional as there have been no trials or arrest.
So he managed to attract the two sisters in his new house to abuse them. Finally the parents decided to bring the case to court and he began to worry. He therefore suggested to the family that they withdraw the complaint for the sum of 2 million pesos (about 33,000 euros); more than enough to finish their house and buy land.
Would they have accepted? Little doubt about it, but it was too late, as the youngest daughter had already spoken to a member of a Belgian NGO responsible for the defense of children. The Belgian lady took hold of the matter and also informed the French Embassy, which delegated a person who came in Dumaguete to inquire about the case from the authorities. Alas! Meanwhile the alleged rapist had already taken flight.
Since then this individual is wanted both by the local and the French polices and maybe even by Interpol. Indeed pedophiles can be prosecuted and sentenced even in their country of origin. A good thing!
He is now a refugee in Thailand and compromising photos and videos were allegedly found in his home.
Later I met during a party, the lawyer in charge of its Philippine defense and one of his rare French friends who manages his affairs and said that 'the poor guy' was victim of slander and false accusations in order to steal his money. In fact these cases also exist and I know one where the accused was really innocent.
Finally, according to the usual formula, he is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
But that entire story made my contractor not very happy as the alleged rapist escaped without paying his bill of 200,000 pesos (about 3300 Euros). For the construction of his new house's swimming pool.
A sad story but without even mentioning 'my friend', these people exist and benefit from poverty to abuse children. Fortunately they are not many. Yet a French just settle in the region. Before he travelled constantly between Cambodia, Thailand and the Philippines. I met him a few times and we talked a few minutes. A rumor is persistent about his attraction to young people but let us be wary about such rumors although staying vigilant………………
A découvrir aussi
- To my English-speaking friends!
- 1- My October trips, Samboan and the North of Negros.
- June 2009 : The rest of my road trip with my old four-wheel drive, (second part) and Samboan
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