Letter 1. Luisa, update of February 21, 2008
It is already four and a half months since I am back in the Philippines and I have to think again about my return to France by the end of March.
This is the first time since last summer 2007 that I write a new article for my blog. It is true that here I live much more outside than in my French hometown and furthermore my home Internet connection is so slow and distressing that I use it mostly for reading and writing my mails.
Since October 2007, I had tried several times to contact Luisa by SMS and the Internet, but always in vain. So what was not my surprise a few days ago to receive a message from her asking me where I was and how I was doing?
I answered that I was still staying in the Philippines for a few weeks and I asked about her. She said that she had changed her phone number and lost mine. She added that she was too weak to go to an Internet cafe, but in the past few days she had her own computer at home allowing her to take up with some friends again.
Regarding her health, she told to be very thin and having stopped drinking her alternative medication which made her throw up. She was only taking vitamins and let God make the decision. She also apologizes for not returning the books I lent her in June 2007.
I was then overwhelmed by a cold anger, not against the disease, but against the political, social and religious groups in this country.
Social, because meanwhile the poor are dying for lack of care and medicines.
Finally religious because churches of all kinds flourish and thrive feeding on poverty as orchids bloom on a rotted tree trunk.. What do they offer in return for the poor? A better world in the afterlife? It is a fact that men cannot live without hope then when there is no more hope on this earth, there is still the prospect of a happy life in the other world.
It's my outburst of anger reflecting only my opinion but when I see, among others, these young American Mormons proselytizing in remote rural areas in the local dialect they speak fluently, I want to scream my indignation.
Finally I will continue to regularly relate news from Luisa who I made an example as so many are in her situation in this country now populated by almost 90 million. For information they were 50 million like the French in 1979 and France is now only populated by 65 millions inhabitants.
How about contraception? It is another matter and I will come back to that later.
A découvrir aussi
- Letter 3 : Our friend Pierre
- 15- September 2008
- November 29: Continuation of Gordon and Zarah’s adventures in Mag-abo
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